ai-class / set manual bug
Hex&Jelli Anderson
Items from merchants that I have "set manual" changed to "set by ai-classification" after adding their pertaining "ai-class" to a category, subsequently changing those item's categories.
My specific scenario:
I set Walmart, Amazon, & Dollar General merchant items manually because they are different every time I shop. These items have been set manually and re-checked over the course of a month so this is NOT a data sync issue.
After adding the ai-class "other shopping" to my "other expenses" category to catch uncategoried items, many items that could fit into that ai-class (basically all from the above merchants) have been moved to that category from the ones I had set manually.
I am fine with and even prefer that any previously uncategorized items from those merchants being set automatically to those categories, but am perplexed that items manually set to categories would change either through ai-class or even rule after-the-fact
The exception to this seeming bug are items that have been split. They have remained the same as I assume they are programed to function rather differently and didn't get caught in whatever bug is mucking things up.
Mine was easily fixed fortunately, since I am only concerned with my last two month's of transactions as we've only recently overhauled our budget, but I imagine this would greatly affect anyone looking back at their year or several months of transactions that would have been changed.
Xiao Hu
Hex&Jelli Anderson after look into this issue and tried the steps that you described multiple times, I couldn't hit the issue as you did. From our code, we prioritize manual overwrite over AI mapping. So technically the behavior should be expected unless somehow the manual overwrite is deleted. Would be appreciated If you can try to repro that issue again and confirm.
Hex&Jelli Anderson
Xiao Hu I'm not sure how to reproduce this particular issue other than to say it is still happening and provide more details. (See attached the AI tags for "other expenses") I manually change those merchants (Walmart, Amazon, DG) to what I bought at the time and review/check them off.
I only have one tab with Fina open and wait for indicators to show that updates have been saved and look over everything before ever closing window. Later, when I come back, transactions that I know I've already updated and reviewed have gone back to "other expenses". Those transactions were also not still in the bank processing phase and so an update should not have occured to them. This only happens with this particular category. I have no conflicting Rules.
Hex&Jelli Anderson
Weirdest of all (to me, at least) once I change them a second time and mark them reviewed again, they stay changed.
Xiao Hu
Hex&Jelli Anderson I don't know if this is what happened, but here is my suspicion that you can help to confirm.
Right after your payment to Walmart, you saw a pending transaction show up and you immediately set the a category manually. After a few days, your transaction was settled. You bank told fina to delete the pending transaction and added another settled transaction with the final amount. So the new settled transaction came with original category and you felt the category was reset.
I had this same problem with my personal account and what I do is just not categorize pending transactions until they are settled.
There might be some possible way to optimize this if we can know the link between the two transactions. But at least it's not a bug if you actually ran into above scenario.
Hex&Jelli Anderson
Xiao Hu We do have this happen with one of our bank credit card payments, so I understand what you are talking about. I didn't think that was what was happening as there was no (P) next to the transactions I was setting a category to.
I could be wrong and maybe didn't notice. I will make sure to double check going forward.
Though, is it normal for transactions to still change even if it isn't marked as still processing? I ask this because I had a transaction for Audible on Feb 28 that I thought was settled and now it is listed as being for Mar 1.
Idk man, bank/financial transactions are/act weird. Maybe they don't want us to be able to acurately track them. �
Xiao Hu
Thanks for reporting the issue. We'll look into this problem.