Amount in report does not equal transactions total in some cases
Rachel Sergiyenko
I'm using the time series bar chart with a custom metric of transaction, total amount, and category. Sometimes the amount displayed in the bar chart is not the same as the total of the transactions it says matches the time period (month) and category. At first I thought it was excluded transactions causing this, but I've found plenty of instances where this is not the case.
Shawn Cao
Shawn Cao
Hi Rachel, we have deployed a fix for the timezone issue in time series graph block, it's live in product now, let me know this issue is all fixed now for you!
Rachel Sergiyenko
Shawn Cao Hi Shawn, yes- it seems to be fixed now. Thank you!!
Shawn Cao
Rachel Sergiyenko Thanks Rachel, please let us know if you see other issues.
Shawn Cao
Thanks Rachel! This is a known issue that we are fixing in progress, it’s timezone misalignment that makes the computation on different time range. Those missing transactions should be in the boundary of months, right?
Expect it to be fixed in a week or so.