Budgeting setting for group categories

Hi, I have no idea if this has been implemented. Are we able to set the budget value limit for the group category rather than each individual category? eg. parent group category = "shopping", the "groceries" and "toy" are the child of the shopping group. As of current, I am only able to set the budget value for each individual "groceries" and "toy". I'd like to get the budgeting to apply to the group, in this case, is "shopping". Many thanks - trying to discover Fina - so far so good
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Shawn Cao

Shawn Cao
Group view is available now when you "edit" the block, just toggle the "group view" on and off, and set budget values on any item. Let me know if all is working fine for you now.

Shawn Cao Thank you, only issue is the missing emoji for the main group when switched. try to investigate if the same emoji that use for the sub-categories could cause the missing emoji

Shawn Cao
cknz we actually purposely remove the emoji for the group so that users can easily tell if it’s a group or a root level category.
Is missing emoji for group a problem for you or just a little annoying?

Shawn Cao i am fine without the emoji for the group however right now it is mixed that group still showing emoji and no showing emoji

Shawn Cao
cknz ah! then it's an issue then, thanks for clarifying, let us take a look!

Shawn Cao
cknz, Just to clarify: do you see some group in your group view still showing
, in my testing, seems I don't see that case. If so, do you mind paste a screenshot to point out which Group shows emoji please?
Shawn Cao Just reviewed the items with duplicated names between sub-categories and the group, and it shows emoji for the group. This should be fixed after updating the naming.

Shawn Cao
Group view is going to be available in a few days, till then you can set budget on the group item directly.
By the way, do you want all the root items (the ones without group) to be grouped in a “Root” group or rather them to be separated on their own since they don’t have a group, just ask for an opinion!

Shawn Cao Thank you. From my perspective, I would keep them separate so that in the future, they can be organized into groups or subcategories. One more question - the account's "current value," does it track and update automatically after new transactions (-/+), or is it solely for manual updates?

Shawn Cao
cknz cool, thanks for your input. we will go that way.
Regarding account "balance", if it's live account, it should be auto-updated by Fina, if it's manual account, you have to manually update it, it does not calculated from transaction change, (assuming you +/- transactions in a connected spreadsheet)