August Raae Frisvold
Currently, the system sums up all the transactions regardless of their respective currencies. This approach fails to consider the individual values of each transaction, leading to inaccurate results. For example, when there are transactions involving different currencies, such as one EUR, one USD, and one NOK, the system should consider each transaction separately to provide accurate financial information.
Shawn Cao
Shawn Cao
in progress
Hey guys! I understand this has taken a quite long time.
Now, we have our first solution on Fina to deal with multi-currencies, it's not comprehensive but very simple:
Choose a system currency and all account value or transaction value will be converted to that.
For example, if you have USD, CAD, Bitcoin, and choose EURO as system currency, everything will be converted and displayed in that currency with "real-time" exchange rate.
"System Currency" can be found in User Settings.
Please let me know if this mitigates the issue, or any feedback for more!
Shawn Cao
Makes total sense.